Membership Types
Builders & Remodelers
Builders and Remodelers are the heart and soul of the GCRHBA. These members are directly involved in building homes and commercial properties. They include small-volume builders, production builders, commercial builders and remodelers.
Associate members provide the products or services to the Builders and Remodelers. They sell lumber, windows, appliances, plumbing fixtures, or services such as mortgage financing, insurance and legal advice. A home is not complete without the help from an Associate member.
The Affiliate member category was intended to get employees of Builders and Remodelers and Associate members more involved with the association and to enjoy the benefits of membership at a fraction of the cost of a full membership.
3-in-1 Membership
Member Benefits
This is one of the key benefits to being a part of this Association. Having the ability to connect with your peers from all areas of the housing & building industry on a regular basis. The information, and the new people you meet is literally priceless. Join us for our monthly meetings and special GCRHBA events, or join a committee to build relationships.
Our Nationally Recognized Educational Programs give the tools to gain an edge in the industry. In our competitive marketplace, differentiation is the key to success and NAHB’s nationally recognized education programs offer cutting-edge conferences and courses – both in-person and online. NAHB has the curriculum, instructors and prestige to boost your success and increase your profit margins.
GCRHBA members have access to expert staff advisors who can address their business questions. Our experts include distinguished economists, tax specialists, legal research staff, financial experts and regulatory and technical specialists. Members also benefit from economic analysis and housing research, as well as research into innovative building products and construction techniques.
We fight for our members and that puts money and time back in your pocket! A strong voice in Washington, Des Moines and in our local communities where you do business to help you defeat excessive regulations, defend affordable housing initiatives, and to protect your business. Our advocacy efforts include educating policymakers and the Administration, building successful coalitions, and mobilizing our grassroots on a range of issues.
Valuable Member discounts through NAHB’s Member Advantage Program and HBAI Member Rebate Program. Your membership entitles you to discounts and savings opportunities offered by many top companies on vehicles, shipping, cell phone plans, computers, car rentals, office supplies and more. NAHB’s purchasing power means big savings for you!

Connecting Our Community
Our community consists of housing & building professionals and consumers. As a GCRHBA member, your business information is shared with our members and community through many sources, including our printed Annual Membership Directory, searchable website, and monthly THRESHOLD Magazine to make sure our members stay connected.
The GCRHBA invests in a year-long marketing campaign to the community with the message that we are the one-stop resource for consumers looking for local and reliable building, home improvement and service professionals. Be placed in our printed annual Membership Directory that is distributed to all members as we encourage members to use members and the community at our annual events to use throughout the year for all of their housing & building needs. In addition, be included in our online directory as our community searches for a local and reliable professional.
There are several opportunities to promote your business within the Association network. First, you can sponsor and/or host GCRHBA events and meetings. Enter one of your special homes in the Spring and/or Fall Parade of Homes or place promotional signs or materials at parade homes. Advertise in our printed annual Membership Directory, THRESHOLD Magazine, and Cedar Rapids Home Show and Spring and Fall Parade of Homes publications. Show your customers you are a member of a professional association with our Proud Member window cling. All great ways to directly connect with your peers and customers.

As a member, builder and remodeler members can earn money back for products they already use with the Member Rebate Program. There are more than 50 participating leading manufacture brands and it is free and easy to participate regardless of your volume.

Corridor Business Journal
Members receive a complimentary 1-year Corridor Business Journal weekly print/digital subscription to help connect and adapt with the new “normal.” The CBJ provides our members with weekly coverage on real estate/developments, tech & innovation, economic development and more.
Remodelers Council
Our Remodelers Council is home for professional remodelers, representing the members who are involved in the remodeling industry. Remodelers Council members enjoy a wide variety of benefits and resources, including exclusive professional development, industry-specific education, information and networking opportunities that help you strengthen and protect your business. Members also get access to the information they need to stay on top of the latest legislative and regulatory issues. With a host of benefits including industry-leading programs in professional development, networking, marketing, advocacy and recognition of excellence, Remodelers Council gives you the tools you need to build your remodeling business.